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Monday 3 January 2011

The BNP, cyberactivism and the Royal Family

Well, I thought I would post something here just about politics.  A post about the BNP.  They are active on Yahoo! Answers, just as they are active elsewhere on the internet spreading lies and half truths.

Now for the record, I think that Britain is great.  I think that it can, and should be better.  Working together, we can make it so.  Listening to extremists leads to fear and hatred, which is what this nation does not need.

Anyway, as the video above shows, racists can be a laugh.  But also, there are many many times that they are not.  All too many have been involved in violence, and this applies not just to supporters of the BNP, or those linked to them, but founding members as well. And remember that the BNP have been linked to terrorism which has killed many innocents.  They are not to be underestimated.  Thanks to the lies that they have spread, they have gained in votes, and while they fared badly in the last election, the number of people voting for them in a general election increased from 192,746 to 564,331 votes, something that shows that the lies and smears that they spread have worked.  I suspect that with the planned electoral reform, they will gain more votes, as seen in the European Elections in 2009 when they gained 943,598 votes.  

There are many people who compare them to the Nazi's, and some comparisons on this are right, others of course are wrong as they do not advocate a final solution, though they do state that those they consider immigrants should be encouraged to leave the country.

Which leads on to my next rant on them.  The BNP state that those who are not 100% British should be encouraged to leave.  An example of such a person is Cashley Cole.  Now being an Arsenal fan, I am biased against him.  But the BNP consider him to be not British in an ethnic sense and therefore is one of those who should be encouraged to leave.  He has a white mother, which the BNP would consider English, and a Black father.  The thing is, Prince Charles should come under the same view.  He has a father who is considered Greek, or Danish, let alone the issue with his mother.  But of course, this is nothing to do with racism, as the BNP state that they are not a racist political party.




    1. That link is laughable. And it does not change the facts posted in this post!

  2. The only thing thats "laughable" is that you use searchlight for your supposed "facts" and still expect to be taken seriously

    1. Actually, only some of the links are from there. I did my own research as well and made sure that my links are correct. Let me know if I am wrong on this.
